GEMS News You Can Use

March 4, 2025

GEMS News You Can Use

News you can use

AAFES “You Made the Grade” program: Your Garmisch Exchange is part of the “You Made the Grade program! The “You Made the Grade” program is designed to reward students, 1st-12th grade, for above-average academic achievement and to inspire them to work that much harder. See the attachment below for more information.

PTA Donation Envelopes - your child will soon come home with two marked envelopes. One is for a general donation to the PTA to help fund upcoming events such as Month of the Military Child, Staff Appreciation, a Field Day event with our German sister school and other end of the year fun! The other is to thank the Thrilling Thursday instructors. In the past, PTA has collected money from parents and given a group gift to Edelweiss who has used it to throw a party for the instructors.

Spiritwear! If you have spiritwear that no longer fits your children, please consider donating it to the PTA so it can find a new home with another student. Donations are being collected in the front office. 

1000 books before High School GEMS is supporting our base library with their awesome program called '1000 Books before High School'. Students can count any book they read from the GEMS library and the base library towards their goal of 1000 books. They also receive a prize for every 100 books they read! Please see the flyer below for more information, or contact Ms. B at

School Meal Selection (Grades K-8 only): The menu for the week is posted on the GEMS website at School Meals Program | Garmisch Elementary Middle School | DoDEA 

From the Registrar If you haven’t already, please be sure to verify your student in Aspen. Also, if your phone number or address has changed, please send the updated contact information to the Registrar at



1000 books before high school
you made the grade

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Outdoor Ed is open to all middle school students. The club arranges activities outside of school hours for students with an emphasis on facing challenges, forming friendships, and having fun in the outdoors.

Fun with math, puzzles and problem solving and the opportunity to participate in a national competition.

Meets on: Every Monday

Meeting Time: 14:30 to 15:30

This club follows on from an optional class in Q2 during specials for middle school students. The club operates after school in Q3 to prepare students for the DoDEA wide First Lego League (FLL) tournament that takes place in March each year. Stude...

Meets on: Every Tuesday

Meeting Time: 14:30 to 15:30

Follow us on Social Media

Name Position Details Phone
Amy Cox, MSN Nurse +49 (0)611-143-545-2167 ext. 3
GEMS front office Front Office +49 (0)611-143-545-2167 ext. 1
Jill Straka School Counselor +49 (0)611-143-545-2167 ext. 1

School Hours

Grade Regular Hours
PK to 8th

08:00 - 14:30

08:00 - 13:45 (Thursday only)

School Secretary 07:00 - 16:00
School Admin 08:00 - 16:00

Parents/Guardians - Please notify the school by 09:00 every time a student is absent


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